할리데이 일반물리학 8판 솔루션 haliday 일반물리학 Halliday Physics 8ed solution
할리데이 일반물리학 8판 솔루션 총 분량은 4130 페이지 영문판입니다.
할리데이 일반물리학 8판 솔루션
총 분량은 4130 페이지
영문판입니다.1. The metric prefixes (micro, pico, nano, …) are given for ready reference on the inside front cover of the textbook (see also Table 1?2). (a) Since 1 km = 1 × 103 m and 1 m = 1 × 106 μm,
1km = 103 m = 103 m 106 μ m m = 109 μ m. The given measurement is 1.0 km (two significant figures), which implies our result should be written as 1.0 × 109 μm. (b) We calculate the number of microns in 1 centimeter. Since 1 cm = 10?2 m, 1cm = 10?2 m = 10?2 m 106 μ m m = 104 μ m. We conclude that the fraction of one centimeter equal to 1.0 μm is 1.0 × 10?4. (c) Since 1 yd = (3 ft)(0.3048 m/ft) = 0.9144 m,
1.0 yd = ( 0.91m ) 106 μ m m = 9.1 × 105 μ m.
2. (a) Using the conversion factors 1 inch = 2.54 cm exactly and 6 picas = 1 inch, we obtain 1 inch 6 picas ? 1.9 picas. 0.80 cm = ( 0.80 cm ) 2.54 cm 1 inch (b) With 12 points = 1 pica, we have
0.80 cm = ( 0.80 cm ) 1 inch 2.54 cm 6 picas 1 inch 12 points ? 23 points. 1 pica
3. Using the
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문서분량 : 4,130 Page
파일종류 : PDF 파일
자료제목 :
파일이름 : 솔루션 물리 일반물리학8판halliday.pdf
키워드 : PEET,MEET,DEET,할리데이,물리학,솔루션,8판,Halliday,Physics,8ed
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